If the item you ordered is out of stock: You can claim to refund, we will deal with it in 3-7 days and you will receive your money within 7 days.
If we shipped you an incorrect item: You have the following options: 1) exchanging it for the correct item, 2) returning it for a full refund. Customers must confirm your eligibility for exchange or return with Customer Service before sending items back. In many cases, after receiving your order, you only have 7 days to contact Customer Service and request a return or exchange. Make sure to read the Product-Specific policies below for more details (when applicable) and exceptions.
If we send you an item in the wrong color: You are eligible for a full refund after Customer Service confirms you received the wrong color. Perceived color differences due to the display settings of your computer monitor are not grounds for a refund.
If an item is missing from your order: Contact Customer Service to inform us an item is missing from your order. After we have confirmed that the item was missing, we will offer a full refund of the item’s price or begin processing a new one for you within 3-7 days.
If your package is lost during shipping: Contact Customer Service to inform us you didn't receive your package. Once we confirm with the courier that your package is lost, we will offer a refund or resend your items within 7 days.
If we send you a defective or damaged item:
You are eligible for a full refund or exchange. When requesting your refund, please be ready to provide Customer Service photographs which can showing the problem with the item and its courier number as soon as possible. If you believe your item was damaged during shipping, Customer Service will need photographs showing the damaged packaging as well as "Proof of Damage" documentation to process your exchange or refund. Alternatively, you can open the package in front of the delivery person and if you find that the item was damaged during shipping, you can reject it. YONIYO will then ship you a new item immediately.