- brand:
- Tongrentang
- Approval number:
- Z11020033
- Package type:
- 1盒装(1日2次,1次1丸) 半疗程3盒装(约15天用量) 1疗程-药师推荐6盒(约30天用量) 温肾固精+滋阴补肾3盒装+同仁堂六味地黄丸(120丸)3盒 温阳固精+补肾益精3盒装+同仁堂五子衍宗丸(60g)3盒 增强肾能力1盒装+京果海狗丸(120丸)1盒
- manufacturing enterprise:
- Tongrentang pharmaceutical factory of Beijing Tongrentang Co., Ltd
- Specifications:
- 9g * 10 pills / box
- category:
- traditional Chinese medicine
- Product dosage form:
- Pills
- usage:
- Oral administration
- Dosage:
- One pill a time, twice a day
- Generic name of drug:
- Suoyang Gujing pill
- Name of drug:
- Suoyang Gujing pill
- term of validity:
- 60 months
- intended for:
- andrology
- Drug classification:
- over-the-counter drugs
- disease:
- Premature ejaculation
- symptom:
- 肾阳不足 腰膝酸软 遗精早泄 头晕耳鸣