- brand:
- Longmu
- Approval number:
- 国药准字Z42021662
- Package type:
- 标准装:1袋30袋 活动:2盒装 套餐三 1盒30袋 强筋壮骨 和胃健脾 1盒30袋 强筋壮骨·和胃健脾
- manufacturing enterprise:
- 健民药业集团股份有限公司
- Specifications:
- 3g*30袋/盒
- category:
- traditional Chinese medicine
- Product dosage form:
- Grain
- usage:
- Oral administration
- Usage dose:
- See the manual for details
- Generic name of drug:
- Longmu Zhuanggu Granule
- Drug name:
- Longmu Zhuanggu Granule
- Term of validity:
- 36 months
- Intended for:
- children
- disease:
- Indigestion
- Symptom:
- Indigestion