- Date of manufacture:
- 2018年07月24日 至 2019年04月11日
- brand:
- Huang's
- Approval number:
- Gyzz z32020461
- Package type:
- 1盒装黄氏响声丸144丸*1盒 3盒包邮黄氏响声丸144丸*3盒 5盒立省19+包邮黄氏响声丸144丸*5盒
- manufacturing enterprise:
- Wuxi jiminxin Shanhe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
- Specifications:
- 133mg*144丸/盒
- category:
- traditional Chinese medicine
- Product dosage form:
- Pill
- usage:
- Oral administration
- Usage dose:
- Six pills at a time, three times a day
- Generic name of drug:
- Huang's sound pill
- Drug name:
- Huang's sound pill
- Term of validity:
- 36 months
- Intended for:
- Unlimited
- Drug classification:
- Over-the-counter drugs
- disease:
- Throat swelling and pain, voice hoarseness, cold and hot headache, constipation, urine redness, pharynx opening, voice resolving, phlegm resolving, pharyngitis in pharynx, dry throat burning, acute and chronic laryngitis, wind clearing and heat clearing
- Symptom:
- 寒热头痛 便秘尿赤 凉血利咽 咽中有痰 咽喉肿痛 咽干灼热 声音嘶哑 清利咽喉