- date of manufacture:
- 2020年04月15日 至 2020年04月20日
- brand:
- 欣灵(食品)
- series:
- 火腿片90g4份
- Specifications:
- 90g*4
- Place of Origin:
- Chinese Mainland
- province:
- Shanghai
- Packing method:
- packing
- Mode of sale:
- combination
- Set size:
- 1 person
- Package cycle:
- 1 week
- Distribution frequency:
- Once a week
- Net content:
- 360g
- Production license number:
- SC12231023000489
- Factory name:
- 上海市崇明区欣欣肉制品厂
- site of a factory:
- 上海市崇明区城桥镇长兴村田桥1101号
- Contact information of manufacturer:
- 0516-83895388
- Ingredient list:
- 猪腿肉、水、食用葡萄糖、食用盐等(详见包装说明)
- Storage methods:
- 0~7℃60天、-18℃180天,冷藏或冷冻保存
- quality guarantee period:
- 180
- food additives:
- 乳酸钠、卡拉胶、三聚磷酸钠等(详见包装说明)