- brand:
- BETALOC/倍他乐克
- Approval number:
- 国药准字J20100098
- Package type:
- 5 boxes, 10 boxes, standard pack
- manufacturing enterprise:
- 阿斯利康制药有限公司
- Product dosage form:
- tablet
- usage:
- Oral administration
- Dosage:
- See the manual for details
- Generic name of drug:
- 琥珀酸美托洛尔缓释片
- Drug trade name:
- 倍他乐克
- Name of drug:
- 倍他乐克 琥珀酸美托洛尔缓释片
- term of validity:
- 36 months
- intended for:
- adult
- Drug category:
- Chemicals
- Drug classification:
- prescription
- disease:
- hypertension
- symptom:
- 高血压病
- Drug specifications:
- 47.5mg*7片/盒