- date of manufacture:
- 2019年12月05日 至 2019年12月08日
- brand:
- 碧生源
- Approval number:
- 国食健字G20110711
- Specific specifications:
- 2.5g/袋*60袋
- Imported or not:
- no
- Product dosage form:
- tea
- Name of health food products:
- 碧生源牌纤纤茶
- Health care function:
- 减肥
- Is it a gift box:
- yes
- Suitable population:
- 单纯性肥胖人群
- Unsuitable population:
- 少年儿童、孕妇、乳母、慢性腹泻者
- Factory name:
- 北京澳特舒尔保健品开发有限公司
- site of a factory:
- 北京市房山区窦店镇秋实工业小区1号
- Contact information of manufacturer:
- 4006869299
- Ingredient list:
- 番泻叶、绿茶、决明子、荷叶、泽泻
- Storage methods:
- 贮存于阴凉干燥处
- quality guarantee period:
- 720
- food additives:
- nothing
- Product name:
- 碧生源牌纤纤茶
- function:
- 减肥
- Main raw materials:
- 番泻叶、绿茶、决明子、荷叶、泽泻
- Content of functional components / symbolic components:
- 每100g含:茶多酚 3.0g、总蒽醌 0.6g
- matters needing attention:
- 本品为保健食品,不能代替药物使用;食用本品出现腹泻者,请立即停止食用
- Chinese name of applicant:
- 北京澳特舒尔保健品开发有限公司
- Storage method:
- 贮存于阴凉干燥处
- How to eat and how much to eat:
- 每日2次,每次1袋,饭后半小时,用200-300ml开水冲泡5-10分钟后趁热饮用,一次饮完即可