- date of manufacture:
- 2019年03月24日 至 2019年08月07日
- Product dosage form:
- grain
- disease:
- 月经不调 活血调经 血瘀 调经止痛
- symptom:
- 月经不调 月经过多 经少
- Drug classification:
- over-the-counter drugs
- intended for:
- gynaecology
- category:
- traditional Chinese medicine
- Package type:
- 标准装:1盒8袋装 套餐一:16袋 套餐二:5盒优惠装 套餐三:7盒巩固装 套餐四:本品4盒+同仁堂乌鸡白凤丸10丸*3盒 套餐五:本品4盒+恩威洁尔阴洗液300ml(内含冲洗器) (缓解痛经搭配)本品2盒+修正痛经丸6袋*5盒
- brand:
- Tongrentang
- Approval number:
- 国药准字Z13020660
- Dosage:
- 一次1袋,一日2次。
- Generic name of drug:
- 益母草颗粒
- Name of drug:
- 益母草颗粒
- Specifications:
- 15g*8袋/盒
- manufacturing enterprise:
- 北京同仁堂天然药物(唐山)有限公司
- usage:
- 开水冲服
- term of validity:
- 36 months